Our Blog
The Post-Crash Economics Society blog is open for submissions!

‘Developed’: What does that even mean?!
Enshrined is the label ‘developed’. Positioned as the ultimate goal, economic growth is traditionally seen as the means to achieve this label. Yet this restrictive definition leads to classifications of ...

Covid Relief and Modern Monetary Theory
Over the last year, the United States government has used fiscal stimulus as a response to falling aggregate demand due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Last March Congress approved the $2 ...

Economics Education is Still Dominated by Men
Gender inequality is ubiquitous in economics. The recent Women in Economics Index (2020) found that men still dominate the economics profession across the academic, private and public sectors. It highlighted ...

PCES Lecture Series: Pluralism in Practice
This coming semester is very exciting for the Post Crash Economics Society. We have planned a series of lectures under the title Pluralism in Practice. Not only is pluralism in ...

Gary Becker, Shantay you stay
February is considered to be the ‘LGBT History Month’ and so its aim is to give visibility to the history of the LGBT community, which has often been ignored by ...

Baby Bonds
In this series we will be publishing short pieces that pertain to our campaign goal of diversity in economics. In this piece, we address the work of Darrick Hamilton and ...

Why is Economics Still so White?
Diversity is fundamental in every discipline. Showcasing the work of a diverse range of academics encourages students to critically engage with the theories that they are taught. Diversity in the ...

The Macroeconomics of Uncertainty and Coronavirus: Why Models Fail
Despite the surreal lives we have been leading for the past few months, one thing is certain: this is an interesting time to be an economist. People have endless questions ...

In recovery from the coronavirus, we must address the climate crisis – and that requires radical economics
The coronavirus has sent the global economy into hibernation, production has been halted and aeroplanes grounded. This has caused air pollution and global emissions to fall. Is the coronavirus ‘letting ...